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Data provider

Run multiple test cases for a given function (aka "data provider").


  1. func_name: The name of the function to be tested.
  2. args_per_row: (Optional) The number of arguments in each row of the TEST_CASES array, defaults to 1. Last argument is always the expected value.

Global Variables: TEST_CASES: An array containing test cases with their expected values.

Examples: To run a function test_func with TEST_CASES containing two arguments per row, you can call run_test_cases like so: run_test_cases "test_func" 2

# Function to test.
add_numbers() {
echo "$(($1 + $2))"

@test "Test add_numbers" {
# Numbers.
1 2 3
4 5 9
dataprovider_run "add_numbers" 3